Letícia Linton
Letícia Linton has been a businesswoman for over 20 years in the jewelry industry, a “Self Made Woman” who began her career as a jewelry designer studying Gemology, Design and Crystal Therapy and today is an icon in the industry, recognized in Brazil and internationally, her jewelry One of kind, they have modeled for renowned celebrities at the main awards shows and Red Carpets in Los Angeles.
Today, Letícia Linton is also dedicated to inspiring people with her knowledge of Positive Psychology, Science of Well-being, self-realization and breathing, acquired in her Yoga, Meditation and Ayuverda training in Nosara in Costa Rica, Experiences at the Esalem Institute, considered the mecca of the New Era in California/USA and training in Coaching by the IBC (Brazilian Coach Institute) and by the largest training program in the USA, CTI Co-Active, already chaired by Shirzad Chamine, a reference in the study of Saboteurs and writer of the Book Positive Intelligence.
Participated in the intensive week of the advanced retreat on brain function and performance with the renowned Dr Joe Dispenza, world-renowned authority on the power of the mind-body connection and scholar in Neuroscience, epigenetics and quantum physics. He was present at the Quantum Health and Therapy Congress – CSTQ, where Dr. Bruce Lipton, one of the main experts in epigenetics, was the main speaker.
Life Coaching
Brazilian Coaching Institute
Pranic Healing
Padme Institute
Sound Healing
Eleva Sound Healing by Felipe Sucupira
Life Coaching
Co-Active Coaching Fundamentals Course
Week Long Advanced Retreat
With Dr. Joe Dispenza