In the fast pace of daily life, we often find ourselves drifting away from our dreams, desires, and, most importantly, from our true selves.
Breathe is a new approach that invites you to step out of autopilot mode and reconnect with your personal power.
Live your best version!
Our Purpose
To pause from the demands of daily life, liberate ourselves from what binds us, and live authentically in our truth.
Through transformative tools and practices, Letícia Linton guides you in this journey of awakening, helping you to dismantle the barriers that separate you from your authentic self and rediscover what truly motivates you. Embrace your true identity and live in alignment with your essence.
Graduated in Yoga, Meditation, and Ayurveda in Nosara, Costa Rica, and with experiences at the Esalen Institute, the New Age mecca in California, USA. She holds certifications in Coaching from IBC (Brazilian Institute of Coaching) and from CTI Co-Active, the largest training program in the USA, previously chaired by Shirzad Chamine, a reference in the study of Saboteurs and author of the book Positive Intelligence. She participated in the advanced retreat on brain function and performance with the renowned Dr. Joe Dispenza, a world authority on the power of mind-body connection and a scholar in quantum physics. She also attended the Health and Quantum Therapy Congress (CSTQ) with Bruce Lipton. Additionally, she is trained in Reiki and Pranic Healing.
Creator and Facilitator of Breathe and Enjoy Retreats, immersive luxury journeys held in the most renowned and select locations such as the Hotel Toriba in Campos do Jordão, Vila Tannah in São Roque and international editions at Explora Atacama/Chile, and by the Imiloa institute in Costa Rica . He is a speaker at events and experiences, adding his knowledge of Positive Psychology, making an emphatic study of saboteurs, as well as the Science of Well-being, self-realization and breathing control and their influences! Live your best version by recognizing and experiencing your true SELF!
Methods Joy by Leticia
Our metod ENJOY!
A journey into the best version of yourself!
Empowering Walk Meditation
Active meditation for PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT
Learn to create the reality you want to live!
For more disposition, vitality, increased ability to concentrate and balance as a whole
Cacao Ceremony
Enjoy the ceremony and live a profound connection with your heart and spirit
Dance meditation
Active meditation through dance to release emotions, practice presence and positivity.
Ice Bath (opitional)
Challenge yourself with the ice bath and the Wim Hoof breathing metod
Bioflow Breath Work
Powerful breaths that will release the tensions we carry in our daily lives
Dynamics with Letícia Linton
Themes that promote connection with your Self, self-knowledge and personal empowerment
Insight Game
Moment of exchange and reflection with questions carefully selected by Leticia Linton
Change of Look
You will leave this program renewed and energized! With a more positive outlook on life!
Luxurious Accommodations
Each space has been thoughtfully designed to be a place of healing and the pursuit of physical and emotional well-being, offering a gentle invitation to disconnect from technological gadgets and the outside world.
Each space has been thoughtfully designed to be a place of healing and the pursuit of physical and emotional well-being, offering a gentle invitation to disconnect from technological gadgets and the outside world.